Thursday, July 26, 2012

I is sick

Or rather, I was sick.

Started out with an itchy nose on Monday. Sniffly nose on Tuesday. Runny nose yesterday that became a marathon with the nose inviting more germs on-board so much so that I ended the evening with a pounding headache, sore nose and sore throat. My body was creaky and I felt like cr*p. The husband helped with baby duty at night and I remember feeling all groggy and it was the sweetest thing to hear Kate say, Mommy, I don't want you to be sick. I want Mommy to feel better already. Such a sweetheart!

I still had sleep interrupted (Jake's cries & to relieve my boobs) but it was still great sleep compared to if I was looking after Jake and I woke up feeling better.

How odd that I miss him just because we didn't spend the night together. Jake turns 5 months tomorrow!

Look at how Jake is staring at his sister eat! So poor thing (& cute!) as if we never feed him. I notice that he is beginning to respond to people and will cry if he's left alone. His eyes follow us where we move and he looks at our faces intently. Kate still goes to him each morning when she awakens and says "Good morning Jaaaake" and I think it's so lovely. I look forward to when they can play with each other.

My dad sent me to work today (yaay) and though Kate looks a bit not so nice in this pic, I love how she's pulling her tiny pigtails. We're trying to grow her hair out and it's at this in-between stage where it's long yet not long enough. The first thing I told her when I saw her this morning was "Kate, thanks for wishing me to feel better. Mommy feels better today" and she seemed pleased as bug.

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