Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mid-week break

Time is passing in a whirl. I can barely catch my breath before something else happens.

I rush about at work, settling whatever I can within the hours in the day, racking my brains and write emails as coherently as I can; then transit home and become a physical robot where I herd my troupe to do what is required - eat dinner, shower, play, go to sleep; then wash rinse repeat this cycle all over again. I suspect part of the reason why I don't feel any break in between it all because I don't get to sleep properly. Jake is still waking up 3 times a night (these are the good nights) and my body never gets to stop. After introducing formula milk to Jake, my body seems to be less stressed and supply is picking up slightly. I think it's still a good idea to keep him on one/two feeds of powder a day, just in case (on a random note, his poop has changed slightly since he's started to consume formula. Slightly more grainy with texture).

This week, I swapped my off day to a Wednesday because I had to bring Jake for his follow-up consultation (poor boy has been on the nebuliser round the clock for 5 days consecutively) and it was a good break. I had the day to run errands and I ended up spending it with a girlfriend and Jake.

Kate spends the afternoon with yeye. I hugged her and she went off happily "bye bye Mommy! bye bye Jake!"
At Thomson Medical Centre. Actually, we look quite alike, no?
Happy that the boy is off the nebuliser already. On the mend yay!
Coffee - he can sit like this for a short while... before keeling over
Taking the MRT. Waiting for the train nainai was in to come by
Part of the evening crowds
Rushing for the bus

Playing with his favourite nainai
It felt good to just have a baby to hug all day. Though I was a bit achey from the work out, it still felt good. It reminded me of the days before when I brought Kate out all the time! I don't have the chance to do it as much with Jake because I have more to juggle now, so it's all precious to me.

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