Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One of those days

Where my thumb hurt like *beep* and throbbed so bad I could not sleep properly. And the daughter chose this same night to play instead of go to sleep and I was in such grief, I could not be bothered and let her be (I think she only slept close to midnight!) 

Suffered for a whole day until I could get off work to see a doc for the pain in my hand... Only to learn that there is nothing much that can be done with tendonitis in such a swollen state. I was given some meds to help the body cope with the swell (aid. No painkillers!) and the Chinese medicine put on my thumb is meant to help with the swell too. 

Then my clumsiness (plus my sheer carelessness) had me not closing my water bottle properly and it wet my entire bag. Which resulted in my ever-trendy -not one, not two but THREE plastic bags to contain the wet bag, the meds and my personal belongings. 

Win! I would do a victory sign... Except that my fingers are cramped and I can't. 

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