Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In a very good space

The seedling of the thought first crept into my mind fleetingly one random night. I didn't process it then. Two days ago, I met with a gf for lunch and we ventured into the topic of passion in our lives, or more specifically, we questioned ourselves, What is my passion?

I shan't go into the details of our conversation (too revealing), but I can share that I may not have a perfect life, but I am exactly where I want to be right now.

And where exactly is this imperfectly perfect space?

With my family.

I've always been one close to my family. Years ago, I came back to Singapore after graduating from Perth, without a second thought of staying on to work or live there. I missed home and I wanted to come back. All through the years, I've always been close to my family. Though our relationship has its ups and downs, I've always appreciated and enjoyed being with the family - eating in, eating out, shopping, playing, laughing... I like to think that we share a special bond.

I have an extraordinary relationship with my mom, my dad is the world's cuddliest papa, my brother is a SNAG with a heart of gold, and there is the sister who, well, will always be the special baby.

I am very fortunate that the husband is one who appreciates family-time too and he joins in our family revelry. We have been married 2 years & 3 months now and with the birth of Kate, we've created our very own family. And as I continue to lead and enjoy family-time, it's all that much sweeter and sprinkled with a lot of extra now that I have my very own family.

How awesome is that!

Just like when I hit 3-0, I count my blessings that I am in a good space.

I have the husband, and I have the baby.

and then there were 3

1 comment:

  1. i love the family photo- very nice- i love how kates clapping too..
