Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A is for Apple

For a while now, Kate's been imitating sounds that we make.

She tries to whistle (courtesy of the FIL), and makes this really cute "o" with her mouth. She manages to blow air out, but no sounds.

She also says little sounds like ma, pa, la, ya... and I like to think she's calling me "mama". Just like the husband likes to hear her "call" him papa.
She also does the typical baby-talk gibber noises like "oooo" and other sounds that I cannot spell.
These are sure signs that she's trying to speak and it's delightful hearing her cute little voice.

Lately, I find that her imitation skills have sharpened slightly and she's beginning to say the "p" sound. And it seems, that my little girl is very likely uttering her first word APPLE.

It's absolutely adorable trying to get her to repeat the word proper and it is definitely a word because the sound is unlike any other gibbers she's made before.

The husband and I spent some time talking to Kate last night, saying Apple to her repeatedly. And the response, I must say, is not bad. She manages to say it properly a couple of times, but she also does the 'p' sound repeatedly.

I'm excited! Apple!

1 comment:

  1. i haven't visited for awhile and had a good time catching up (:
    i love kate !
    and you too.
    i noticed the mama moment in mom's room (:
    i knew you were secretly pleased.
