Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time to chat

The husband and I had a chat last night.

Before Kate, that statement would have seemed like it was a bad thing, as if the husband and I were going through something major, or had a need to iron out something serious.

Now, it means just that. We had a chat last night.

We talked about silly things, about not-so-silly things, about work, about Kate, about many things. We laughed. And we caught up with each other (in hushed whispered tones so as not to disturb sleeping Kate).

Having a baby consumes so much of your time that sometimes, even finding time to talk to each other is overshadowed by the necessities in life.

Our exchanges are typically short and informative "what time did Kate eat?"; "her nose is still leaky"; "please shower for her before it's too late"; "how'd she get that red mark on her face?"; she's tired, lights off please"....

I love how, after 2 years+ of being married, the husband and I still talk to each other. True, it's not as often as before, but that's because we channel our time to the little person that we created out of love. That's pretty special too, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. hey girl.. you r right... i find that taking time out for scott n me alone time is very important...i love alone times where we just sit n hold each other...
