Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boring Mommy

My energy levels have been dipping due to the growing belly (well done, baby little!) and I’m really tired by night time. Especially when I don’t get to snooze at work and even more on days that I have to take public transport. My energy drains and last night, I really felt it as I couldn’t stop rubbing my eyes and lying down and closing my eyes every few minutes in the 1.5hours that I had with Kate before sleep.

I tried to conjure up dormant-like games like “let’s read, Kate” and I’ll do so half-lying down with her sitting by my side. But it’s so tough when all she is really keen to do is jump around on the bed. I have to protect myself from her flinging arms & legs. I also played “hairdresser” with her where she washes my hair for me. It’s this thing that she does as she has personally experienced salon hair-washing, so she knows how to “put shampoo” (she takes my sunscreen bottle and uses that as pretend), scrubs my hair and pretends-blowdry. This is a most apt activity cos all I have to do is lay there and she’ll do all the work…. Until she wanted me to wash her hair in return and I really did such a bad job that she gave up very quickly. And she totally finds me a bore because I’m so inactive! She gets upset with me when I lie down for too long so I have to shift myself about to camouflage how lazy I really am.

I recently made an attempt to do some exercise (okay, merely stretching) and I refer to this pregnancy book for references. It’s really simple stretching stuff and I engage Kate by asking her to sit down on the floor with me to do them. She’s since learnt to ask me to “read Aunty book” (that’s what she calls the book – there’s a pregnant lady on the front and she calls her ‘Aunty’) and said “on the floor” and I know she’ll want to play stretching (everything is play to her). I quite like how she does that cos then I’ll feel encouraged to do stretching and it’s fun to play with her. But last night, I really could not move myself out of bed and she was sooo upset with me! “Mama wake up!” “Mama don’t sleep!” “Mama on the floor!” … I felt awful not able to interact with her as much as she wanted and I had little choice but to play the sympathy card. I told her “Mama has stomachache Mama lie down ok” and she backed off after hearing that. What a good girl… am so proud of her.

I nearly wept with relief and delight when the husband came home after class and I had to handover Kate to him. Kate quickly told him "Mama has stomachache"... what a cutie. I crashed within minutes and I’m still so tired this morning.

Dear Kate, Mommy gets tired easily now so please bear with me. I’ll definitely play and jump with you if I can & I feel so guilty when I'm not up to it but I can't really help myself so be patient with me, ok?
Dear husband, thank you.

Love, Mummy

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