Saturday, June 9, 2012


And by you, I mean you, my husband.

I'm sitting at the computer with all the time in the world to do my updates slowly. And I have succeeded in doing not one, not two, but this is my FOURTH entry.

While I appreciate the time to idle (and it's thanks to my mom who's helping with Kate that I can idle since it's a breeze to handle a baby when the toddler is out of my hair), I realise that I'm getting a sense of deja vu with this scenario of sitting here to idle. Alone. On a weekend night.

Tonight, you're out for some work duty and discussions. I am home.
Last Saturday, I was at Velvet for my work event. You were home.
The Saturday before, I was out for dinner and drinks with my girlfriends. You were home.
The Saturday before before, you were out with 015 for dinner and drinks. I was home.

... notice the pattern of how we're doing our own thing without the other? I mean, it's quite the norm for either parent to be home doing watch duty while the other is engaged, and I think you'll agree that we enjoyed the non-work outings with our friends (you who Buttered till 4am); but I think our schedules have been a little too packed lately resulting in us not spending time alone with each other. All we do through the work week is execute out logistics and schedules for the kids; grumble at each other about groceries and anything children-related. And even so, we're not communicating tightly enough as there's been minor slips this past week (forgetting to notify parent about going over/ who's buying lunch whaa?). I think the last time we did something together-together was "The Avengers" - and that was a month+ ago.

Not good. And you wonder why I have been acting more needy lately.
Well, now we know.

So, when are you going to show me some love and ask me out on a date? (I'm easy. An hour on our couch with no computer, internet, telephone interruptions is good enough.)


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