Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Love and other drugs

I watched this with no expectations whatsoever, with little knowledge of it except having heard of it over the radio about it being a love-comedy starring Jake Gyllenhaal & Anne Hathaway. I caught it rather unexpectedly today & rather enjoyed myself. It also made me think about a few things.

1. Rekindling that love
It's easy to fall in love, but not as easy to keep it going good; watching the love scenes and love-filled eyes that the actors have for each other made me think how easy it is to forget that kinda feeling. Sure, it's not realistic to expect to have that kinda sparkle always, but I'm a sucker for romanticism, and I think it's important to keep that flame. When was the last time you looked at your partner as if it was for the first time, and got that flutter in your gut?

2. Good conversations count
Hearing the witty banter in the show makes me, no, not expect real life to be like that (not for me anyway), but it's lovely to see how they make each other laugh. They tease and talk and I think that's how it ought to be, regardless of length or stage of any relationship. When was the last time you talked, really talked to your partner whether it's asking about how his day was, how he was feeling, how you loved him - instead of talking about chores/work/complaining of something?

3. Looks matter
Yes, I know it's a movie and a lot of money & time is spent on wardrobe and setting so that everything, down to the minutest detail is perfect. And so yes, while it is unrealistic to have an open concept bathroom and a bathtub with a loft-like apartment, whilst sitting in it with your partner enjoying a hug in the bubble-bath; my point is, it is important to make an effort sometimes. Go out somewhere different. Dress up differently. Try a new diner. Doing something totally the same (like walking/shopping/eating) with different wardrobe/settings can make you feel different and create a different experience. That's why you feel different when you're on holiday in a different country. And while it's not financially sane for most of us to travel every time we need to feel a buzz, making an effort to create a different experience can be just as fun.

I'm not a movie critic and am generally rather easy-to-please, and since this movie fits nicely in the I like category, it wasn't tough to enjoy it. So while it isn't a perfect or the best movie, I think it's a movie worth watching. For the two hours, allow yourself to be romanticised, to discover that Jake Gyllenhaal can be quite a charmer (I never saw him that way before) & to remember love all over again. Oh, one thing though - I'll recommend that you go catch it with your partner; I wished I watched it with the husband. It's just one of those movies you'll prefer to cuddle with your loved one while watching so you can sneak kisses with each other at aawww moments. Kinda like how you'd always prefer to go to weddings together, you know?

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