Saturday, July 6, 2013

Feeling somewhat better

The whole week whizzed by so quickly (so much happening all at once made it just pass by with me/us moving from one to another non-stop). Yet felt so long (mainly the bad bits like "why haven't their fevers gone away"/ "omg its 4am and I'm so tired but I need to accompany the sick child"/ never-ending work that needs attention else it'd just snowball). I think I felt gutted on Thursday night, when Jake developed a rash and he was so grumpy and had such puffy eyes and was soooo poor thing; I felt so helpless and lost;  yet unable to do much because I had to be at work.

So when Friday rolled around, I felt like I was just bouncing along like a ping-pong ball attending to work, quicker than ever because I knew it was the last day before the weekend and I could smell the break - I was so happy to be able to snitch a beer at the end of the day (half a can, to be exact. I shared) and when I finally ate dinner on Friday night; I just felt relief and some mini bit of victory to having survived the week.

I know this is not possible without the support of the husband, who is my perfect tag-partner to ensure that I'm not alone, and also our super helper who really, I am so thankful for.

So today, the start of Saturday, was extra special after a tough & long week (for the kids too) and I'm so glad that life is slowly returning to normal after they are both relatively normal (except that Jake is still cranky and Kate is coughing - but they are definitely better and at the tail end of this nasty bug). The husband and I started the day with a run at McRitchie. After not exercising for 3 weeks (groan, let's not get into the failed diet), the run felt so good yet bad (creaky feet and bones). But it was more good than bad of course and I'm feeling a good kinda ache right now *insert muscular emoticon

The husband and I also brought Jake out on a supermarket run in the afternoon and it was nice spending some alone time with my son.

The highlight of the week so far, really, has got to be this evening where I brought Kate (along with my uncle and his son) to the National Day Parade 2013 rehearsal! Not only was it a good time to bond with her alone (Jake didn't go), I really enjoyed myself too. The NDP session warrants a dedicated entry; but now is not the time for me to do it because my eyelids are already closing as I struggle to keep my thoughts coherent and fingers agile.

So goodbye, bad week and tomorrow is another day filled with plans; I'm looking forward!

#badstartbegone #goodtimesberolling

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