Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I've got your backs

Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. Beyond tangible issues that we face on a daily basis - back-to-back meetings at work that leave you breathless, losing a toenail, eating bad MSG food for lunch (oh, those wasted calories!), stepping out of home 10 minutes off schedule and getting stuck in the rain - all sorts of situations can arise and it is always quite a matter of character building how you respond to it.

Work stress? Breathe. Delegate. Surge on. Plan. Don't give up.
Lost a toenail? Just paint over it, or not. #truestory
Eating bad food? Have chocolate after!

Then the day comes when you are whacked right in the head and heart about something that hurts so much that you are gutted. What do you do, when it's intangible? Over something that really hurt you and that you feel so much for that logic is difficult to locate?

You speak to your siblings, you speak to your husband, you take your time to review your life, your actions, your next steps... and you move on.

I'm so thankful for the network support I have. I'm also a believer that things happen for a reason and I'm willing to take full responsibility, suck up the blame. I'm also aware that going forth, careful steps need to be taken.

So much love for you two, please always hold on to each other

This picture, of my kids holding hands as they walk on in their lives, with me behind them watching their every step and praying that they walk well - is such an apt representation that it must be a sign.

A sign that we must keep walking. A sign that love is necessary to keep us going, that siblings are your best friends. A sign that parents are always there. A sign that I will keep trying to be the best mother I can ever be for them.

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