Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Kate's behaviour, that's what is unacceptable. As she continues to develop beautifully, there is much we need to teach her about what's right and wrong. Lately, she's demonstrating more of her lousy attitudes and it is truly getting on my nerves.

It is not so much the fact that she likes to say this awful word. It is that she says it with such gusto and annoyance. I mean, to be honest, the MIL gets the bulk of this attitude which is because Kate recognises who will discipline her and who wouldn't. So she has already learnt to pick her targets. But it is terrible and she will whine and yell murder if she doesn't get her way.

Throwing. Pulling.
This is how she expresses her displeasure. When she doesn't get her way, when we tell her "no", when we say she "cannot", she will throw a toy (or anything), pull at hair (ours) or do some random violent action that demonstrates her displeasure clearly.

Sharing - lack thereof
Kate has no concept of "sharing". She doesn't get it. It stems from the fact that she doesn't have to share anything with anyone for 99% of her time. Whether it's at home, or at my Mom's, all the toys are hers. In recent months, since her younger cousin Lukas is becoming more interactive & independent, the occasions where her selfishness is displayed is becoming more frequent & obvious. Typical behaviour is her reaching for the exact item that Lukas just touched. I think it's a case straddled between her wanting to engage with him (she is very excited & looks forward to him coming every weekend) so it seems like she's trying to snatch things away from him; but I also think it's a case of "I want what you're having".

These are typical bad child behaviour, and I know they are normal of a growing toddler (terrible twos!), but it really irks me and I need to be patient and educate her what's right from wrong. I will not allow Kate to be a brat!

It's not always that she is a tyrant though, as when she's at the playground, she will wait patiently for her turn on the swings/slides. I believe this is because I make it a point to tell her everytime we arrive that "the swing is occupied so we'll have to wait for our turn". So now, she knows that she has to wait when we are there. This proves that constant preaching works.

Oh, give me patience.

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