Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Singing songstress

She can sing. A little off-key, but she tries. She hums, she makes different pitches, she started off completing the last word of each sentence of songs; her first being "Twinkle Twinkle"; then we experimented and discovered that she knew pretty much most of the nursery rhymes that we have been singing to her since she was born (Humpty Dumpty, See Saw Margery Daw, Hickory Dickory Dock...) and one of her favourite songs has got to be Happy Birthday. She fills in the last words with Papa/ Mama/ Yeye/ Yiyi/ etc.. it's terribly cute.

Last week, my mom taught her this chinese song "Wei Wei Bu Yao Pa" and within a week, she began singing the song on her own! Of course, she didn't manage to say every single word clearly, but she definitely hums and has caught the gist of the lyrics so that we know that it's that song that she's singing.

How clever!

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