Saturday, March 10, 2012

Scenes from our home

The husband bathing for Kate. That's her didi's tub, and Kate gets a kick out of using it too. The father gives her "swimming time" and they have quite a lot of fun together.

Operation Kate-carry-Jake, step 1: Kate holds her arm outright and is ever-ready.

Step 2: Kate, are you ready?

Step 3: Papa lets go! Check out her strained face! Haha

"Uh, maybe it's easier (safer) for her to be seated,"I say. Operation Kate-carry-Jake a success!

A moment of happiness, the three people who mean the world to me.

She can't stop kissing her lil brother.

Loving my two babies. A first child will always be special no matter what because she's first; and seeing her love her lil brother makes my heart melt; I haven't found the right words to describe it yet,but it's truly one of bliss and happiness rolled into one.

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