Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The husband and I had a last-minute date night dinner last night. It was sombre, loving, fun, happy - all rolled into one. Sounds like life, doesn't it.

My hot date. After 16 years of being friends, and nearly 5 years of being married, I still love you with all my heart.

The year has been eventful, to say the least. I had a baby. I HAD A BABY! That, really, pretty much takes the cake for highlight of my year. I nearly forget that it's only at the start of the year that I delivered my precious boy, but that's what time does to you. It zooms by too quickly so that you barely have time to catch your breath.

My 2month old zitty son with boomz hair, April 2012.
Jake, 9mo. No longer zitty, hair a lot more stylish.
It's been extremely lovely and fulfilling to watch my children love each other. Nothing can truly describe it - it's just amazing - you know that feeling when you have a warm cup of sweet hot chocolate with milky froth topped with marshmallows in cold weather? Well, it's just like that but tons better. OK. I lied. It's just better than anything you can ever imagine.

My beautiful daughter has grown so much this year too. Her vocabulary has grown, so has her attitude and truly she's changed too in how she looks. Just comparing her pics from a year ago... I feel wistful that my baby has truly become a toddler.

Last Christmas

Picture was dated Dec 20 2011; that's nearly exactly one year ago.

Her hair at its longest in her lifetime
Before it got lopped off (again)

I am thankful for my family. All of them have helped in one way or many others with my family's addition of Jake. Childcare has become major priority (not that it wasn't previously). And honestly, I cannot express enough gratitude to all the kindness, patience and giving that my family has shown to help me out.

Wouldn't be possible without these superheros

We were very fortunate to have gone on our first family holiday last month. It was 4 days spent quite simply, but so thoroughly fulfilling because it meant being together 24/7, being happy, experiencing amazing times together to create family moments to add to our memory bank.

Krabi, Thailand November 2012
Another big event of the year is that the husband and I and Kate (& then Jake) moved into a space we can call home. The husband did most of the work before we moved in and I remember all the packing and cleaning I had to do when we first moved in (when I was still heavily pregnant). Nearly a year on, I'm still loving every corner of our cosy little home. It may not be big, but it's ours.

Work has been fair, my health could be better. I'm still breastfeeding, which is my lousy excuse for not exercising; I really need to get off my flabby ass and start a regular workout next year (I must!). I've been indulgent, eating too much of unhealthy foods so I need to be more mindful. I've been good with my skincare regime - don't dare to slack off given that I'm beginning to fear ageing. Truly, the year has been orbiting around my then one, now two children and it has been quite a challenge juggling them with work and life.

Finally, another event that the family has been hit with is illness and having to deal with it. I pray for the best and I know that everything happens for a reason. The family who loves together, stays together. I know that no matter what happens, we will become better and stronger and deal with it. I pray and pray for the best, I pray for no pain. I pray that we will be the victors. I pray.

My theme for this Christmas, is giving thanks. While there has been challenges through the year, I'm aware that there is plenty for us to be thankful for. Especially in the face of adversities this year, I wish for no more than a peaceful, harmonious life.

It's honestly been an awesome year, and I know that we will have another great one next year. If nothing at all, it's because we have love and hope and family.

Hope 2012 has been good to you.

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