Friday, October 25, 2013

Virus, bugs, getting fit, running

A bit of a clumsy title but that's exactly what's going through my head. Random. 

It's been an emotional time with K acting up. She's a baby that's experiencing serious separation anxiety and it's drawing a lot out of me. 

The past two weeks have been trying too, with the family being attacked by virus and like a merry-go-round that is sure to spin around, we are taking turns to feel ill. High fevers, cough, phlegm, sniffles - the full works. With both kids better, it's now my turn to be hit. 

Whoop. Dee. Doo. 

But life goes on, and we keep running. Sunday morning, I'll be bringing Jake on the Shape Fun Run. It's been postponed for so long that the initial excitement has died down. Nevertheless, I hope the weather is good, my bug will be gone & we will have some fun. 

Gotta keep going. 

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