Tuesday, May 21, 2013


This pretty much sums up my mood right now. 

I know we had an awesome weekend (reminder to self: be thankful), but it was still difficult because in between the fun, we were dealing with serious stuff. I was also ill and lost my voice (first time ever) for two days which stuffed up my body equilibrium. This means that I have not been able to exercise and well, I have been pigging out like a, well, pig. 2kgs (& counting, at this rate *ugh) And to top it all off, I had the longest Monday of my life in a long time with me clocking 15 hours of work. I barely saw the kids at all and that sucked. So this face, this wehweh face of my little boy, just sums up the rough-bits of how I feel because the next few days may be rocky-rough, cos there's lot to accomplish! 

On the flip-side.. the husband and I have date night on Thursday to kick-start the long weekend and some couple-time. To celebrate the end of this very-long week (oh man, it's only Tuesday) and the end of his examinations this term.

In a bid to end on a happier note...

Here's a cheery pic to share. Kate drew this yesterday and I'm very pleased with it because she put in much effort into it. Her art has improved tremendously! She painstakingly pointed out to me that she used two colours, her lines are more clearly defined and neater and her face is also clearly drawn and she included a nose too (new addition)!

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