Monday, November 15, 2010

Beginning of a short break

Today marks the first day of my week-long break. The day started slow (all my plans of jogging fizzled) as I slept in, and I ended up napping when Kate napped too. For someone who didn't use to have the habit of napping, I'll say I've been well-trained by the husband. But I digress.

By the time I'd had my lunch and fed Kate her milk, it was already 4pm. I'd wanted to bring her for her vaccination (a month late!) but it was raining and I realised the clinic was already closed by the time I looked at the time (why do polyclinics shut so early - registration closes at 4pm?!)

By 5pm, the weather cleared and although Kate didn't seem bored, and was happily trotting around the house picking up and putting down her dolls, books, bottles, paper, pens, shoes, pillows, balls... (you get the idea), I thought it'd be nice to step out and enjoy the cool air that had blown in after the sudden downpour. I packed along library books and decided to head to the neighbourhood mall.

We took the bus and here, you see our resident cheeky monkey enjoying the ride (couldn't say the same on the ride back, she was tired & hungry - bad combo). There was a pasar malam so I walked through and bought one steamed chinese muffin (multi-coloured buns that all taste the same) to share with Kate. I thought it was so sweet that she and I can share food, and I love how she picked up friends (strangers sitting along the ledge) in the short while that we sat there eating the bun. After that little snack which we both enjoyed, we headed to the library where the little girl happily walked all about. I've discovered that she's actually either lazy or unadventurous, as she does not prefer to walk everywhere in strange/new places.

She had fun there, picking books off the shelves and putting them back again (the latter I had to coax her, though the former she's an obvious natural at making a mess) and even did some gymnastics as she attempted to sit on the kiddy chairs and even stand on them - many times. After the library, Kate accompanied me as I withdrew cash and bought wassants which the husband likes. We then headed home.

Kate in her papa's favourite retro-funkilicious pants, watching kiddos play b-ball

We passed by the basketball courts walking back home from the bus-stop and as always, Kate loves to watch others playing basketball. From a while ago, she'd already learnt how to dribble (ok, not the actual dribble, but the hand action where she'd kinda flap her arm up and down) and she'd also point to the courts and say ball.

As she hadn't napped since 230pm today, she was very cranky and I put her to bed half an hour earlier today. Gives me more alone time to surf the net and update this entry. I smile happily as I recap our day, and feel very blessed that I have her in my life. Being a mother is a full-time job, even if you're not with your child every moment of the day. I'm pleased and thankful that I have this week to spend with her before I embark on a new journey (job) soon. I'm now going to go kiss her and ruffle her hair and hope that she has the sweetest dreams ever!

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