Monday, November 8, 2010

Naughty corner

As the little one gains independance, she is also more cheeky and a huge handful.

She wants to walk everywhere on her own and wiggles out of our arms after an average of, well, 3 seconds. It's exasperating because sometimes, I really just wish to hug her but she obviously does not reciprocate. Nonetheless, it is terribly heartening to see her waddling around so cutely. She's still rather unstable but getting better and stronger each day.

I've also heard many times how naughty kids grow - I know it's inevitable and a natural progression as they discover and develop, but it is very frustrating, hair-pulling and overall, unpleasant!

Things I prefer Kate not to do:
She throws a tantrum - cries on demand.
She throws things on the floor - when we tell her not to. She does this to express her annoyance or displeasure when we tell her off, or simply because she is being naughty.
She grabs my glasses off my face.
She spits her food out - this she does when she's bored or full.
She bites - seldom but still happens. Salvation is that she does not bite hard, bit still, it's unacceptable. And what's odd is when she bites herself and we see bite marks on her arms.
She refuses to sleep/stay where we ask her to - attempts to climb off the bed/feeding chair and wriggles whilst screaming murder.
She touches everything lying around - dangerous as she may end up putting small objects into her mouth.
She insists on the pacifier - we only allow her to have it at night time, before she goes to sleep but she will cry for it when she's in the mood (especially when sleepy). Sometimes we give in, especially when she's hysterical.
She demands for biscuits, bread or milk - when she feels like them, even after she has had a meal. Greedy baby.
She picks up her shoes and puts them into her mouth - this is a new-found hobby as of 2 weeks' back. I have no idea why she does this. I am very certain she is not hungry.

Overall, I think Kate is, on the whole, a rather well-behaved child and I count my blessings that she is, but when the moments such as above occur, I really am at my wit's end as to what to do.
(The husband and I have had secret conversations with each other where we despair and worry what we'd do if we are unable to control Kate. Solution? We have to be consistent, firm and support each other. Little else we can do really. Oh, and have faith.)

When she was about 3-4 month's old, I recall the first time I yelled at her and smacked her hands for pulling at the electrical wires. It broke my heart to do it but, hey, it worked! Till today, she knows not to touch them.

Yesterday, I've had it with her nasty behaviour. She had bitten me (lightly on my shoulder) and I put her down on the floor against the wall and held her there while telling her repeatedly that she is not to bite me, nor anyone else. In truth, I was more yelling because I had to make sure she could somehow hear me above the crying racket she was making. It was a challenge as I also had to hold her still, while protecting her head (otherwise she'd smack her head against the wall).

Gotta give it to her, she struggled for her life.

At the end of it, I know she just wanted me to let her go and quit yelling at her - the moment I did, she leaned into my body and put her head on my shoulder, whimpering. My heart melted but I had to keep my voice steady and stern while I repeated to her what she was not to do.

I was drained at the end of the episodes - the second time happened in the evening when she'd misbehaved again. It's the first time that I'd done this with her and I know (gotta have faith!) that soon, she will understand that she will be punished for bad behaviour.

This parenting game is tough - but it's gotta be done. And I know that it is essential that the husband and I are consistent in how we treat and discipline her as this maketh the foundation of how a child behaves in the future. No one likes a brat. And the husband and I will not support bratty behaviour.

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