Sunday, November 14, 2010

That fierce need to protect

Last night, we went for Kate's little buddy, Lynette's 1st birthday party. It was a rowdy affair with many guests, many of them who were below 7 (& many who behaved as if they were 7). There was a part of the night where Kate was led to the room to play with toys and other children, and the husband and I sought some reprieve while we let her be. After a while (I don't think it was more than 15minutes), I headed to the room to look for my daughter. I found her sitting quietly beside an adult, watching the kids playing "tunnel" (this long mobile tunnel great for crawling through).

The moment Kate saw me, she called out Mama and came to give me a very tight hug. I was told that she got bumped by the other kids earlier on and cried a little. What occurred to me at that moment was a mix of feelings and emotions so strong and fierce that I had a tiny lump in my throat.

My little girl was brave - so she cried, but I reckon it was probably more from shock than anything else. She also did not kick up a big fuss and cried till the cows came home. She continued to stay in the room with strangers (kids and adults).

My little girl wanted me - the way she called to me and hugged me so tightly indicated to me that she craved familiarity and obviously felt comforted seeing me. Besides feeling really touched and wanted(oh, that feeling of being needed is so lovely), what struck me was how lost and uncomfortable she may have felt when she was in the company of strangers, when she had cried, before I appeared.

I know that the scenario is nowhere sinister nor cause for alarm, and it's probably my mommy-brain working in overdrive, but I really felt so sayang that Kate had gone through that whole roller-coaster of emotions and realisation. I know that it isn't realistic, neither is it what I ought to do. But all I want to do is to hug her tight and protect her forever.

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