Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mid-week public holiday; Kate turns 14-months-old

It would have been halfway through my short break. Knowing that the break is now doubled brought me immense joy. This Wednesday coincided with a public holiday and it was great the the husband could spend the day with Kate and I.

Kate heading out of the room enthusiastically for breakfast.

We'd originally planned to bring Kate to the zoo, but the doctor's ordered 'no sun' (for me) so after some thought, we decided to head to Ikea! As it was a public holiday, the crowds were crazy - there was a Q that snaked more than halfway through the popular Ikea restaurant! We were determined troupers and luckily for us, managed to share a table and the husband headed off to get us food. We had not prepared Kate's usual porridge, so she also shared the food that we ate!

Kate browsing the catalogue while Daddy prepared her food

Kate takes her reading very seriously


Not sure what, but something's tickled her fancy!

After our hearty meal, we headed to walk-around the showroom. I always like going to Ikea, even if I don't need to get anything. I find the displays extremely pretty and lovely to look at.

Fiddling with a kiddy chair

Hi Mama

Independent Kate - she'd refused to allow us to lead her, much preferring to do her own thing halfway through

Doing her own thing includes squatting in the middle of nowhere


Yup, she did a poo. That pretty much ended our Ikea adventure.
We then headed off to the next destination in our plans for the day: a visit to my dayi's house. She made popiah (yums) and it was also a mini celebration for my niece, Annette.

Kate plays bubbles with the kids

Birthday girl, Annette standing on the left of the picture. She turns 9!

Relatives who hadn't seen her for a while lamented at how she's grown and how cute she looked waddling around; Kate delighted and amused everyone with her antics, and it made me happy to hear everyone praise and dote on her. She's a lucky child! We bade everyone goodbye by 4pm as she was becoming cranky from fatigue, and indeed she kicked up a huge fuss in the car on our way home; I know the husband and I were very relieved when she finally settled down to sleep.

The day with Kate ended there as the husband and I headed out to an adult affair (wedding dinner) without her. It was nice to spend adult time with the husband and I constantly remind myself how fortunate I am to have him in my life. Things may not always be smooth-sailing, but it doesn't have to be. What's important is that we are always there for and continue to love one another.

Happy 14-months old, dearest baby Kate. Love always, Mommy

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