Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ice-cream makes people happy

Thursday was boring. Though I had plans to make plans and I tried to do so with various people, none of them materialised and the day went by with little for us to do. The highlight was definitely when the husband came back from work and after dinner exclaimed "let's go out!"


Ice-cream time!

Kate (does not) hop-scotch

"woah woah" (the way Kate barks), says Kate the moment she saw the SPCA dog

They all look so yummy, wonder if Mommy will let me eat any?

Happy Kate

My baby and I

After a waffle with yumsy black forest ice-cream, we headed to do groceries. I realise that the husband and I do an awful lot of grocery-shopping. I think it's mostly because groceries are necessary but I also think it's a sign that we have matured and mellowed - afterall, we have to prioritise our spending and diapers are a must-have in our lives now!

Zooming down the aisles

I gotta say that the day ended on a high despite the most of it being rather unexciting. I do think that being with your loved ones make any activity more cheerful and fun, simply because.

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