Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers' Day!

I've been a bit of a grouch lately (the husband can vouch) and I blame it on hormones and the need to feel love (it's never enough!)

So today, I really wanted to just not plan anything and I'm happy that the husband stepped up to the task - to be fair, I wasn't expecting anything super-upsized, but I just wanted to have the day roll without me thinking of what was going to happen/I had to do. Just before we hit the sack last night, we had grand plans of visiting the Bird Park on Sunday.

We all woke up at 8.45am, when Kate did. This was tough for the husband and I since we were up till late watching the Singapore GE results live. But up we got and despite our efforts, it was past 10.30am by the time we left the house. I was offered two options for breakfast and I gladly chose one. It was nearly noon by the time we finished eating and I was very worried that it would be too hot to do anything. The weather's been terrible lately, very very hot. We'd obviously given up on our Bird Park plans very early on and the husband made a turn into Upper Pierce Reservoir. I didn't think there was much there (there isn't) but I was pretty sure that Kate would be entertained by monkeys (I was right).

The sun was at noons' best and the garden was pretty quiet when we reached. There were some couples walking about, a family fishing by the water, and some families sitting in the pavilions. Kate's initial reaction upon sighting a bunch of monkeys was "pa pa!" (scared). She was in the grey zone where she wanted to see them but was frightened. We watched the monkeys from a distance and after a while, she got comfortable enough to leave the arms of the husband and I and could walk on her own. We didn't do much at all, since the place didn't have a playground, or anything much. But I have to say, for 12pm, the wind was lovely and we had a nice time just walking about, sitting/lying about and watching the monkeys!

Wearing matching tops - I specially did this for Mothers' Day!

Papa, come. Sweeneeng (swimming - she wanted to swim. See water in background.)

Hunting for monkeys

Mama, there!

Enjoying the lovely breeze

Can never get enough kisses

After the hour, we headed back to my Mom's so that the grandparents get to spend some time with Kate too. It was truly a lazy Sunday and the weather didn't help, so everyone at home ended up napping. Kate took a solid nap for 1.5hours.

At my mom's, she still sleeps in the yao lan & at just about 4pm, when I happened to walk by the room, I spied some movement and when I peeked, I saw that Kate was awake - her eyes were open but she didn't make any noise, preferring to laze.

The little worm lazing - check out how her leg is raised & if you look closely, you can spot her open eye

It's a simple affair today & not terribly exciting, but that's what it is about. Communicating with loved ones, spending time and doing things together. I'm very fortunate to have a lovely & loving husband who pulls his weight in this parenthood game. I'm very proud of my clever little girl, who'll be turning 20months next week. It is amazing, this journey of being a mother and I hope that I am being a good mother to Kate. One thing is for sure, I appreciate my own mom a lot more because I truly understand how it is like to play that role. Just for kicks, before I end off, here's a quick look at the bubba one year ago:

Kate @ 8 months last Mothers' Day

She was more roly poly then, and she had all of 2 teeth with little hair. She was also at the stage where she could crawl and was pulling at anything that will hold her weight & allow her to stand up. She was also gurgling and crying and making her intentions known in those two forms. I was also still breast-feeding then & her diet was of milk & semi-solids. How much she has grown in a year!

I look forward to every special occasion spent with my loved ones - Happy Mothers' Day to me, and all Mothers!

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