Tuesday, May 17, 2011


For a while now, we have noticed that Kate's default word when she is unhappy/distressed/ upset/whiny/ confused (you get the idea) is "Mama". She will come to me for comfort and I find that very endearing - though it seems like she cries "Mama" even when I'm not around. It's cutest and most heartwarming when she hurts herself (whether it's a fall, a minor bump or anything that she feels disconcerted about) and quickly calls out to me while coming towards me. I like to pacify her (it usually works well) by asking her where she's hurting and I'll kiss it.

It's quite obvious that I am her key source of comfort - rather normal for most Moms. What is amusing is that this is translated to even when Kate is asleep! We have heard her call out "Mama" when she's dreaming and as I have just discovered (after attempting to put her to sleep for the past two hours), she even bosses me about in her semi-comatose state!

One thing she's been doing for a while is requesting "Mama, pat" when she goes to sleep. And if I stop doing so before she is knocked out, she will murmur "Mama, pat". I'm happy to oblige since that's usually the last metre-dash before sleepville. An anecdote is how Kate will even check that it is me who's patting her and not the husband! She will actually reach for the hand patting her and check that it is mine.

The other discovery is that my "services" include scratching her itch too! The poor girl has sensitive skin so when she gets a mosquito bite it usually lingers for a (long) while and it'd itch so bad that Kate will scratch it incessantly and that inevitably leads to the bite worsening. She doesn't control her scratching so there are times that her delicate skin peels. Just a week ago, Kate got not one, nor two but three mosquito bites. In a bid to help manage her itch and prevent her from killing herself through scratching, the husband offered to help her out. This way, we alleviate her itch and because we don't sandpaper her skin with brute strength as she does unto herself, her skin is less damaged.

Moments ago, in her pre-sleep zone, Kate called out "Mama, scratch".


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