Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Belated Christmas presents

So it took my girlfriends and I a whole month later to meet up. Everyone was busy and out of town etc, but as they say, better late than never!

Everyone loves receiving presents, and at 16months old, Kate totally gets it too!

I kept her presents unopened to allow her to do so herself and I wasn’t around when she did it, but the husband was; and he shared with me how delightful Kate’s responses were.

The first present she received was a set of Care Bear pyjamas from Aunty Hee. When she tore the wrapper apart, she picked up the pyjamas and said “nice nice” and put it to her body, as if to try it on.

The second present she opened was a toy car. When she tore the wrapper apart, she went “waaa”!

Gosh, how adorable and appropriate, her responses! I so wish I was around to witness it!

I’m always warmed to know that everyone loves my little girl. *beams proudly

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