Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas day

It's been a pretty quiet and peaceful one so far.

Last night, the husband, Kate and I headed to the bestie's for their party. We ate, watched the kids run amok opening their presents, played with balloons and toys, drank and made merry. It was quite nice to be immersed in such cacophonic mess with the bestie's family and all the children (8 in all).

It was just before midnight when the husband kissed me and wished me "Merry Christmas". Kate was already asleep and I was dozing off, still feeling the effects from staying up late the eve of Christmas eve. I woke up about 2.30am and had to change to longer pyjamas bottoms and popped some meds - didn't feel that great. I gulped down water and tried to go back to sleep. Kate didn't sleep soundly either - she whimpered and sleep-talked at random moments through the night and I made sure to hug her, pat her, or simply held her hand. Not too sure what she was dreaming about, but what was interesting was that she spoke bilingually in her sleep!

The husband took care of Kate when she woke up which allowed me to sleep in - utter bliss! He even prepared carbonara for us to eat! I felt very loved.

We then spent the next two hours doing nothing at all - watching tv (him), watching YouTube (Kate), doing the laundry (him & I), packing (me).... It was very lazy. After the laundry was cleared, we headed out for a simple lunch and right now, I'm lying on the sofa of our new home. We had come for the husband to fix up the dining table. Kate's been dropped off at my mom's.

I'm enjoying the breeze and must say it's very very cool (fringing on cold). There's some getting used to being in this new place and I cannot wait for it all to be done and for us to move in.

This Christmas, it's the little things and acts of love that make life so great. I'm savouring Jake's active movements in my belly, thankful that we are blessed with another child and looking forward to his arrival. I'm loving my family to bits. I'm also very thankful that Kate is recovered and no longer the sick, inactive and unhappy child she became when struck with the bad bug.

Hope you are loving your day, whatever it is you are doing.

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