Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday mood

Christmas is really coming! How very exciting.

Though our family holiday is not materialising (boo) we still have plenty to be thankful and happy about. Kate may be slightly unwell, but she is getting better! (No vomit last night yay) - and her antibodies are strengthened anyway right? Work is in cruise mode (controlled by me)... and we're definitely ready for play!

The princess and I - striped out (check out my fatty bombom arms!)

In the midst of Kate's sick-saga, I didn't have the time to update on baby Jake. I went for my 29th week visit last week and today, I'm officially in my third trimester. Explains the sudden ache in my calves (it's as if I did plenty of exercise - as if. I haven't. They're just very sore!) and of course, my back is a constant pain (literally). I'm also feeling like a fatty bombom (refer to above pic of my arms! & fishball face!). The husband (barely) tried to massage my achey calves (upon my request. With his feet!) and I hope he feels abashed reading that his (lousy) attempt is on record and graded F. (F = futile, fail.) (Ok, so I shouldn't have made the request only upon lights out but still...)

On another funny note, I was complaining to him (while laying down - on my side, as I should be) that I couldn't breathe (!!) & I was b*tching about how heavy I felt...

Husband: how much weight have you gained?
Me: Eight
Husband: Only?!
Me: grins happily in the dark, heart does a happy skip
Husband: People put on like TWENTY kgs right?!
Me: heh heh heh

I gotta love the silly husband sometimes. He so does not get how sensitive I get about weight (men!) but his honest thoughts assure me and well, make me happy. Heh.

I'm also getting more tired and tired. I cannot believe I have another (approx) 11 weeks to go. O.M.G. How very exciting!

My blooming belly. It's GROWN - compare it to before!

1 comment:

  1. You are looking good! :) and your arms are slim (or least compared to mine). Yay! 11 weeks to go!

