Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy pregnant

Yesterday, a girlfriend texted me and we were having a tiny-bit-of a conversation about meeting up and our lives; and suddenly, while I was responding to her, I felt this burst of happiness as I told her "I'm so happy I'm pregnant!"

I think it's the hormones, or whatever, but, it's true. I'm so happy that I'm pregnant! I'm happy that the husband and I are blessed with a second child. While there are the aches and creaks that my body is suffering from that comes packaged with the pregnancy, not to mention the weight gain, the slightly irritable skin, the saggy breasts, the erratic moods... I must declare that despite all the icky bits, I'm more than happy to suffer them because well, it's part of the pregnancy package and (yes, I shall say it again) I'm happy to be pregnant!

As the days go by, I remember that I'm doing my motherly duties as I ache and hear creaks as I move. I smile to myself when I see my stomach jump when Jake is doing whatever he is doing inside. I touch my swollen belly and think how amazing it is that I'm carrying this little boy around. I imagine how the labour may be - like Kate's? Over 2 days? Faster? I try to remember pains of contractions and I wonder if I can do it without epidural this time (no, I'm not going to make a decision if I'm doing with/without yet!), I think of breastfeeding and the pains/pleasure of the feeding journey, I imagine how crinkly Jake's little face may be when he arrives, I imagine his cries and wonder if it'd be as loud and strong as Kate's, I wonder if the husband may tear this time when he sees his son, my heart jumps with joy as I imagine how it'd be like holding Jake for the first time while he's still slippery from the labour...

Gosh. So much beautiful memories to savour; I'm reminded of how lucky I am that I've had the chance to feel all of that and more with Kate - and how lucky I am that I'll get to savour and experience them all over again with Jake.

Dear Jake,
You're already bringing fun and love and joy to our lives before you actually arrive. We love you!
Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I believe that text conversation was with me!! :)
    sorry it tailed off. I'm SO VERY HAPPY for you too dearie!
    enjoy, enjoy
